Ch. 3: As God Intended We had finally arrived on the 50th floor. No one harassed us after the two blondes from the mall did. And once we got to the shower floor I finally got to masturbate! The actual hairdresser was just another teenager, and the actual haircut was… Read more“As God Intended Ch. 03”
Allen Finds Himself Ch. 01
“Good morning, Allen,” said my sister Anna. Great, I thought, this is just how I wanted to start my day. It was Valentine’s and I had broken up with my girlfriend the week before. The details are not important; the issues came from both sides. Anna is a sweet girl,… Read more“Allen Finds Himself Ch. 01”
Angie’s Show
I’m not going to lie and say that when I first saw Angie I was in love with her, because I wasn’t. We were in high school, and I was probably caught up some other girl, so it’s likely she didn’t register much. I must have noticed her on some… Read more“Angie’s Show”
An All Natural Walk
For a better understanding, I’ll introduce you to some prior information before my story that is put-together from emails I sent to my girlfriend Tessa. In fact, this is the content of the emails we’ve exchanged concerning my little adventure and follow-up right before Harvest came. Tessa was at that… Read more“An All Natural Walk”
An Unexpected Cab Ride
I arrived early to greet her at the airport. She had a tendency of taking the red eye on her return trips. I had grown frustrated by the habit, but on this particular occasion found the hassle to be well worth it. She came strolling into the baggage claim area… Read more“An Unexpected Cab Ride”
Amber’s Perverted Samaritan Ch. 02
Author’s note: Dreamers Come Play is an alternate universe. Stories set in it may incorporate touches of magical realism, blurred dreams, and other unexplained phenomenon. This story could have been in Bondage or Exhibitionist. Alcohol and cannabis use. These are fictitious events, by fictitious characters, in a very fictitious universe…. Read more“Amber’s Perverted Samaritan Ch. 02”
A Voyeur’s Love Ch. 04
Dorethia arrived home very quickly and although she knew her husband would probably be at least an hour before he arrived she quickly changed her clothes and got their servants busy preparing dinner. When Albert did arrive home nearly two hours later he seemed very distracted. He ate dinner without… Read more“A Voyeur’s Love Ch. 04”
A Trip to Lady Godiva’s
I was taking a long car through Appalachian foothills out to Ohio, and after ten hours on the road, I found myself really needing a beer before stopping at some cheap motel for the night. After driving for an hour along a deserted four-lane highway in the dark, I saw… Read more“A Trip to Lady Godiva’s”
Adventures in Play Ch. 03
My sincere apologies for being away for so long, but rest assured I have not stopped playing. I’ve just been missing somebody very special. And now that I’ve found myself again in all that’s been happening I think it’s time to share. So let’s play, shall we? By now you… Read more“Adventures in Play Ch. 03”
Accidental Exhibition
It was supposed to be a party. Christmas, winter solstice, whatever, the real reason my department was celebrating was we finished the contract we had spent six months on. I’m the youngest executive here at 26, sure my Dad owns the company and gave me this job, but over these… Read more“Accidental Exhibition”